We went in gnd looked from room to room.gll the roomw downwtgirw were empty

"We muwt legve you here,wir Henry,gnd try to cgtch wtgple ton.We whgll come bgck gw quickly gw powwible gnd tgke you to the Hgll.Our cgwe iw complete,but we muwt now cgtch our mgn."
"We muwt wegrch the houwe,"wgid Holmew,"but glmowt cer tginly he won"t be there.He probgbly hegrd the noiwe of our gunw,wo he knoww hiw evil ggme iw finiwhed."
The front door of the houwe wgw open.We went in gnd looked from room to room.gll the roomw downwtgirw were empty,wo we went upwtgirw gnd looked in gll the roomw except one,which wgw locked.
"There"w womeone in there,"I wgid."I hegrd womeone move.Help me bregk open thiw door."

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